Free Shipping on Rugs & Decor Free Shipping on Rugs & Decor

Shipping Delivery

Order Placed

Your order has been received. In-stock items will be processed immediately, while made-to-order and backordered items will be processed once produced or restocked. 

Order Processing

Your order is now being prepared for shipment, and your payment method has been charged in full.

Shipping Preparation

Shipping labels are created/Freight has been ordered, stock is pulled from inventory, and your order is secured and packed for shipment.

Delivery Scheduled

You will receive tracking information for home goods and shipping estimates for items requiring semi-truck transportation. 

Order Shipped

Your order is on the way!  (please allow up to 72 hours for this tracking to activate). At this point you have the same information we do on where and when your items will arrive. 


Your order is dropped off at the provided ship-to address.  Make sure your space is prepared for where your items will be placed.