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Becki Owens x Surya Collection

Based in Southern California, Becki Owens is not just an interior designer; she's a visionary who effortlessly blends modern, inviting, clean, and warm elements to transform spaces into timeless havens. With over 2 million followers on Instagram, Becki Owens' style resonates with design enthusiasts worldwide, making her collaboration with Surya a highly anticipated event.

Introducing the Becki Owens Collection

Experience the essence of Becki Owens' signature style with our exclusive Becki Owens x Surya Collection. Each piece is meticulously crafted to reflect Becki's vision of modern sophistication and inviting warmth. From rugs to home accessories, every item in this collection is designed to leave a lasting impression on you and everyone who enters your home.

Transform Your Space with Timeless Elegance

Discover a curated selection of rugs and home accessories that embody Becki Owens' distinctive aesthetic. Whether you're drawn to clean lines, subtle textures, or bold patterns, our collection offers a range of options to elevate your space with timeless elegance. Each piece is thoughtfully designed to seamlessly integrate into your home, creating a cohesive and inviting atmosphere.

Shop the Becki Owens x Surya Collection Today

Ready to transform your space with Becki Owens' signature style? Explore our exclusive collection to experience the beauty and craftsmanship of these exquisite pieces firsthand. With Chapin Furniture and Becki Owens x Surya, you can create a home that reflects your unique style and leaves a lasting impression on everyone who walks through your door. Shop now and discover the timeless elegance of the Becki Owens x Surya Collection!